Report on work accident on board the Normand Maximus off the coast of Brazil on 21 February 2017

Sjøfart rapport 2018/06 eng

CSV Normand Maximus was hired by the oil service company Saipem and was to function as a platform at sea for this assignment. In connection with pressure testing of the oilfield’s gas flow system an explosion occurred on the outside deck in the early morning of 21 February 2017. A Baker Hughes employee died as a result of the injuries he sustained. In addition, one person got seriously injured and three persons got minor injuries.

The CSV Normand Maximus is deemed to have been a vessel when it was hired and used by Saipem. Therefore, the regulatory framework governing ships applied to the CSV Normand Maximus during this operation.

No independent party checked or approved whether the functionality of the completed installation was satisfactory for use on board the vessel after the equipment had been installed on deck and was ready for use on the oil field.

The AIBN is of the opinion that an independent check and approval by an external party would have constituted a further barrier that would probably have contributed to the shipping company/vessel being more confident in the performance of their duties as the party responsible for safety on board the vessel.

AIBN submits a safety recommendation to the Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) on this point.


Sikkerhetstilråding SJØ nr. 2018/07T

Eksplosjonen om bord i CSV Normand Maximus 21. februar 2017 inntraff utenfor Rio de Janeiro i Brasil og førte til at en person omkom og fire ble skadet i ulik grad. Skipet ble benyttet i en pre-commissioning operasjon på et oljefelt. Regelverket for skip har ikke krav som fanger opp den type operasjon som fartøyet ble benyttet til.

Statens havarikommisjon for transport tilrår Sjøfartsdirektoratet å gjennomføre en vurdering av om dagens regelverk er tilstrekkelig for å ivareta sikkerheten om bord på offshorefartøyer som er engasjert i gjennomføringen av komplekse operasjoner i petroleumsvirksomheten, nasjonalt og internasjonalt.


Sted Brasiliansk farvann
Hendelsesdato 21.02.2017
Ulykkeskategori Personskade
Område Annet lands territorialfarvann
IMO-nummer 9744518
Fartøyets navn Normand Maximus
Type hendelse Dødsulykke
Type fartøy 7/8 - Spesialskip
Register NIS

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