Report on marine accident - foundering of M/V Østbanken in Østhavet outside Båtsfjord on 9 January 2015
Sjøfart rapport 2016/05 eng
The longliner 'Østbanken' (LHWI, F 47 TN) foundered approximately 60 nautical miles north of Berlevåg at 03:30 on Friday 9 January 2015. The vessel foundered under dramatic circumstances and in rough weather. The crew notified Vardø Radio of the difficulties they were in. The five crew members were able to evacuate to one of the vessel's life rafts and were picked up by a rescue helicopter a little more than two hours after the vessel sank.
The AIBN’s investigation of the accident shows that there were a number of factors that contributed to the accident. The two decisive factors were that the vessel listed to starboard for a relatively long period with an open hauling hatch and that a lot of water therefore accumulated on deck. At the same time, the vessel’s cargo hatch was also open, so that the water on deck was able to enter the hold.
The investigation has identified the following learning points for fishing crew in general and for users of similar vessel types in particular, as well as two areas for improvement by the authorities:
The AIBN would like to stress the importance of those responsible on board similar vessels ensuring that the hauling hatch can be closed quickly under all conditions, and that the vessel’s weathertight integrity is maintained in the best possible way at all times. In the AIBN’s opinion, there is also room for improvements on the part of the authorities whose role it is to ensure that vessels with open shelter decks are rigged so that the hauling hatch can be closed quickly enough under all conditions. A safety recommendation is submitted to the NMA in this connection.
The crew were not fully aware of the limitations that applied to the vessel in terms of how much cargo it could carry. The AIBN emphasises the importance of those responsible on board being fully aware of the operational limitations that apply to their own vessel. In the AIBN’s opinion, there is also a potential for improving the role of the authorities in ensuring that relevant safety-critical information is not lost when a fishing vessel changes owners. A safety recommendation is submitted to the NMA in this connection.
The crew on board had conducted drills and prepared for situations in which they might have to evacuate the vessel. This probably helped them to act rationally in the situation they found themselves in and thus saved their lives.
One crew member was unable to retrieve his immersion suit before he left the vessel. The AIBN would therefore point out how important it is that those on board give careful consideration to where it is most expedient to keep immersion suits on board each vessel.
Sikkerhetstilråding SJØ nr. 2016/04T
En av flere faktorer som bidro til forliset av linebåten Østbanken i Barentshavet natt til 9. januar 2015 var at det var mer last om bord enn det fartøyets godkjenninger tillot. Eierne hadde kjøpt og forholdt seg til et fartøy som de trodde hadde bedre lastekapasitet enn det i realiteten hadde. Dette som følge av størrelsen på lasterommet og at dokumentasjon om begrensninger i lastekapasitet var vanskelig tilgjengelig. SHT mener at mekanismene for å sikre overføring av all informasjon som er kritisk for sikker drift mellom fartøyeiere ved eierskifte har potensial for forbedring.
Statens havarikommisjon for transport tilrår Sjøfartsdirektoratet, i samarbeid med fiskeriorganisasjonene, å vurdere mekanismer som sikrer at sikkerhetskritisk informasjon ikke går tapt ved eierskifter på fiskefartøy.
Sikkerhetstilråding SJØ nr. 2016/05T
Da linebåten Østbanken forliste i Barentshavet natt til 9. januar 2015 var det kritisk at fartøyet over en lengre periode ikke fikk stengt drageluken. Det er usikkert om Sjøfartsdirektoratet, ved godkjenning av arrangementet på Østbanken, spesifiserte at lukene til enhver tid skal være operative uten klargjøringsarbeid og stilte krav om lukking i løpet av 15 sekunder. Senere tilsyn hadde ikke påpekt svakheter ved arrangementet om bord. SHT er derfor usikker på om Sjøfartsdirektoratets regelverk og tilsyn med åpne shelterdekkere i tilstrekkelig grad ivaretar disse forutsetningene for sikker drift.
Statens havarikommisjon for transport tilrår Sjøfartsdirektoratet å vurdere om dagens regelverk og tilsyn ivaretar at fartøy med åpne shelterdekk er rigget på en slik måte at drageluken kan stenges tilstrekkelig raskt om en kritisk situasjon skulle oppstå.
Sted | Barents Sea |
Hendelsesdato | 09.01.2015 |
Ulykkeskategori | Forlis |
Område | Norsk økonomisk sone |
Fartøyets navn | Østbanken |
Type fartøy | 6 - Fiske-/ fangstfartøy |
Register | Merkeregistrert |