Report conserning the serious aircraft incident on 18 May 2014 northeast of Bjørkelangen with Apex Aircraft CAP 10C, LN-KAP

Luftfart rapport 2015/05 eng

During practicing of aerobatic manoeuvres northeast of Bjørkelangen, Akershus, the propeller came loose and disappeared. An emergency landing in an agricultural area was performed without any further damage. The investigation showed that three of the six propeller bolts were broken. The other three bolts were missing and had most likely unscrewed themselves. This indicates that the torque on the bolts was too low.


Sted Nordøst av Bjørkelangen, Akershus
Hendelsesdato 18.05.2014
Luftfartøy Øvrige lette motorfly
Operatør Nedre Romerike Flyklubb
Reg. merke LN-KAP
Flygeforhold VMC
Fylke Akershus
Type hendelse Alvorlig luftfartshendelse
Type flyging Privat (klubb)
Kategori luftfart Lett, fly (< 5 700kg)
Flykategori Landfly, Single-engine, Stempelmotor

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