Thematic report on serious accidents involving heavy goods vehicles: Framework conditions for ordering goods transport by road

Vei rapport 2020/02 eng

English translation now available. The findings in the thematic investigation show that there is a great potential for improvement relating to whether those ordering transport assignments give due consideration to road traffic safety. The safety level in the road transport sector is influenced by the requirements set by those ordering transport assignments. The AIBN believes it is necessary to increase the safety level in the road transport sector by getting all parties in the transport chain to focus more on traffic safety.

The thematic investigation is based on four serious road traffic accidents involving heavy goods vehicles that were reported to the AIBN in winter 2019, and where road users other than the drivers of the heavy goods vehicles suffered personal injuries (one of them fatal).

The AIBN has investigated the transport assignments the respective heavy goods vehicles had performed or were performing when the accidents took place, and mapped the different parties involved in the transport assignments.

The purpose of the thematic investigation has been to register and assess attitudes to road traffic safety among those ordering transport assignments, as regards the choice of suppliers, the drawing up of contracts, the ordering of transport assignments and follow-up of suppliers. Through this work, the AIBN has examined the framework conditions that those ordering transport assignments have themselves drafted and influenced through the transport booking process.

The AIBN has also looked at overarching framework conditions for ordering goods transport by road, including the industry structure, political, societal and professional guidelines, current laws and regulations, supervision and enforcement, as well as the safety requirements that apply to goods transport in different transport sectors in Norway.

The AIBN finds it a cause for concern that safety requirements relating to goods transport appear to be less stringent for road transport than is the case for other forms of transport, and that the responsibility of those ordering transport assignments is not sufficiently addressed in the regulations.

Based on the findings in the thematic investigation, the AIBN believes it should be possible to further increase the safety level in the road transport sector through the introduction of traffic safety measures relating to regulations, supervision and safety requirements, as well as implementation of relevant industry measures.

Based on the thematic investigation, the AIBN issues a safety recommendation to the industry concerning the implementation and coordination of increased traffic safety work aimed at goods transport by road.


Sikkerhetstilråding VEI nr. 2020/02T

Havarikommisjonen har med utgangspunkt i fire alvorlige veitrafikkulykker som inntraff vinteren 2019 kartlagt aktørene som har vært involvert i bestillingen og utførelsen av transportoppdragene til de involverte vogntogene. Temaundersøkelsen har særlig vektlagt transportbestillernes holdninger og aktiviteter rettet mot trafikksikkerhet. Videre har overordnede rammevilkår for bestilling av godstransport på vei blitt undersøkt. Funn i undersøkelsen viser et stort forbedringspotensial knyttet til ivaretakelse av trafikksikkerhet både ved transportbestilling og gjennom overordnede rammevilkår. SHT ser på grunnlag av temaundersøkelsen et behov for at trafikksikkerhetsarbeidet i tilknytning til godstransport på vei blir vektlagt ytterligere av alle aktørene i transportkjeden.

Statens havarikommisjon for transport tilrår at NHO Logistikk og Transport iverksetter og koordinerer et påvirkningsarbeid for økt trafikksikkerhet i tilknytning til godstransport på vei i Norge.


Sted Norway
Hendelsesdato 01.01.2019
Ulykkestype Temaundersøkelse
Kjøretøy/trafikant Lastebil, Personbil, Vogntog påhengsvogn, Vogntog semitilhenger
Type transport Godstransport
Ulykkeskategori Ulykke m/ kjøretøy over 7500 kg

Rapporter - samme kjøretøytype