Report on tunnel accident in the Raunekleiv tunnel on the Fv 7 road near Samnanger in Hordaland county on 11 July 2017

Vei rapport 2018/03 eng

English translation now available. The Accident Investigation Board Norway has conducted a safety investigation of the accident in the Raunekleiv tunnel on 11 July 2017 where a cyclist died when he was hit from behind by a passenger car inside the tunnel.

The accident occurred when a group of 12 Belgian cyclists were heading east towards Samnanger. A passenger car was heading in the same direction and ran into one of the cyclists from behind, inside the Raunekleiv tunnel. He died as a result of injuries sustained.

The investigation has shown that the collision occurred halfway inside the 250-metre-long tunnel, were the road takes a slight left curve. This is the place where the tunnel was at its darkest, and it has been shown that the Raunekleiv tunnel as a whole was poorly illuminated and had dark walls.

The tunnel had no designated lines for cyclists or pedestrians and the speed limit was 80 km/h. There was an alternative route which could be used by cyclists to avoid cycling through the tunnel, but this was not adequately signposted.

The investigation has shown that the combination of a dark tunnel, the speed limit and the lack of designated cycle line all were contributing factors to the accident.

The AIBN proposes one safety recommentdation based on this investigation.


Sikkerhetstilråding VEI nr. 2018/04T

En syklist omkom i Raunekleivtunnelen den 11. juli 2017 etter å ha blitt påkjørt bakfra av en personbil inne i tunnelen. Ulykken skjedde i området der det var minst lys fra åpningene og svakest belysning fra tunneltaket i tillegg til at tunnelveggene var mørke. Syklisten måtte sykle i kjørebanen da det ikke var sykkelfelt. Statens vegvesen anså utskifting av armaturene i 2015 som vedlikehold og ikke rehabilitering, og det ble heller ikke foretatt lysberegninger. Undersøkelsen har vist at eldre tunneler som er åpne for syklister og som ikke omhandles av gjeldende forskriftskrav, bør kartlegges og følges opp for å ivareta sikkerheten.

Statens havarikommisjon for transport tilrår Hordaland fylkeskommune i samarbeid med Statens vegvesen å gjennomgå aktuelle tunneler som er åpne for syklister og iverksette tiltak som kan ivareta sikkerheten for disse selv om de ikke er dekket av forskriftskrav.


Sted Fv 7, Raunekleivtunnelen, Samnanger, Hordaland
Hendelsesdato 11.07.2017
Ulykkestype Påkjøringsulykke
Veitype Fylkesvei
Fylke Hordaland
Politidistrikt Hordaland
Kjøretøy/trafikant Personbil, Sykkel
Type transport Privat transport
Veiregion Region vest
Ulykkeskategori Ulykke i tunnel

Rapporter - samme fylke

Rapporter - samme kjøretøytype