Report on the accinent at Broskar, Troms county, Norway 17 May 1999, involving Eurocopter (Aerospatiale) SA 365N Dauphin 2, LN-OLT operated by Lufttransport AS

Luftfart rapport 2005/25


Sikkerhetstilråding SL nr. 2005/27T

The Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority in collaboration with Eurocopter evaluate the design with regard to the transition between 4-layer and 3-layer fabric and the strength of the stabiliser on SA/AS 365 - series helicopters.


Sikkerhetstilråding SL nr. 2005/26T

The Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority in collaboration with Eurocopter evaluate whether the FAR 29 certification requirements adequately cover the design of the horizontal stabiliser on SA/AS 365 - series helicopters.


Sikkerhetstilråding SL nr. 2005/25T

The Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority evaluates whether Service Bulletin SA 365N, no. 67.03 (increased distance between rotor plane and fuselage) should be made mandatory for Norwegian helicopters of this type.


Sikkerhetstilråding SL nr. 2005/24T

The Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority evaluates whether the inspection procedures for composite structures ("coin tapping"), and especially the training of engineers who will be carrying out such inspections, are satisfactory.


Sikkerhetstilråding SL nr. 2005/23T

The Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority evaluates whether the text of the Aircraft Maintenance Manual should be revised to warn engineers against the danger of the composite structures being subjected to damage that is not visible on the exterior, but which can weaken the structure. This also includes the possible need for extra investigation if there is any suspicion of the stabilisers having been overloaded during operational or technical activities.


Sikkerhetstilråding SL nr. 2005/22T

The Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority evaluates whether the Aircraft Flight Manual should be revised to include a warning against landing in hilly terrain or snow-covered ground, which will increase the danger of the stabiliser fins touching the ground. The review of the Flight Manual should also consider a note that if such contact is suspected, the stabiliser must be checked by qualified personnel before any further flying takes place.


Sikkerhetstilråding SL nr. 2005/21T

The Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority evaluates whether an airspeed limit for flight in turbulence should be included in the Aircraft Flight Manual section 3 Limitations.


Sikkerhetstilråding SL nr. 2005/20T

The Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority evaluates whether the text of the SA/AS 365 - series Aircraft Flight Manual should be revised to warn pilots against flying at speeds of over 135 KIAS in forecast wind of such a force as to indicate turbulence.



Sted Straumsfjorden, Troms
Hendelsesdato 17.05.1999
Luftfartøy Eurocopter AS365 Dauphin 2
Operatør Lufttransport AS
Reg. merke LN-OLT
Flygeforhold VMC
Fylke Troms
Type hendelse Luftfartsulykke
Type flyging Ervervsmessig, ikke-regelbunden
Kategori luftfart Tung, helikopter (> 2 250kg)
Flykategori Helikopter, Multi-engine, Turboprop/turboshaft

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